Sunday, January 13, 2013
Activity 4
A.4.3 When investigating a science-related problem, decide what data can be collected to determine the most useful explanations
I have fulfilled this standard by completing the first activity for this class.We were given a general problem to solve and had to create an experiment to solve the problem. Given the general questions of the rate water boils or freezes I created an experiment and decided that i could collect the date of time to determine my answer. I timed how long it took for the water to boil or freeze given the condition it was in (hot,cold,salt water) and then logged it in a chart.
B.4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations
I have fulfilled this standard through this course in many of the activities. Although it is not required I have gone to my textbook several times to gain extra knowledge about the subject we are studying. I also have used the computer to answer science related questions for this course by googling pictures of the periodic table or pictures to use as references and examples in my blogs .I have used the powerpoints presented on our class website to help me answer questions in the assignments. As a future educator i believe it is very important to include as many different ways to learn as possible in a class. Each child learns differently so it is important that they have different sources available to learn from.
C.4.6 Communicate the results of their investigations in ways their audiences will understand by using charts, graphs, drawings, written descriptions, and various other means, to display their answers
I have met this standard in many different classes but most definitely in this class. One way I did this was to create a chart of my experiment with boiling the water and freezing the water. I kept it clear and organized so that someone who did not know what my experiment was would have a general idea of what I was doing. I also demonstrated this by creating the model of the elements for activity 2. I labeled the parts of the element as well as labeled what element I was modeling. I tried to create it in a clear clean form so that anyone could look at it and see the beads on my model and know what they stood for as well as tell them apart. I believe this all shows that I can display my answers in different ways that a audience will understand.
D.4.1 Understand that objects are made of more than one substance, by observing, describing and measuring the properties of earth materials, including properties of size, weight, shape, color, temperature, and the ability to react with other substances
I am sure I have fulfilled this in many ways but the main example I have of this is by taking a geology class. I had to observe rocks and minerals and realize how and where they came from. I looked at many of the properties including size, weight, shape, and color. In geology we focused mainly about how rocks and minerals are formed and how you can classify it by using the properties listed above. We also learned that they are made by different materials overtime.
E.4.5 Describe the weather commonly found in Wisconsin in terms of clouds, temperature, humidity, and forms of precipitation, and the changes that occur over time, including seasonal changes
I feel I learned these concepts through Geology. We had a unit focusing on the weather patterns and the cycle of water and precipitation. We compared this to Wisconsin and how an area like Menomonie has rivers and lakes that allow for the cycle of water to continue. We discussed how clouds are formed and the different forms of clouds. In addition we discussed how water can cause changes in the landscape over time. An example of this would be a rock formation created by the steady drip of water flowing down it.
F.4.4 Using the science themes*, develop explanations* for the connections among living and non-living things in various environments
I met this through my geology class. We discussed the water cycle and how this effects soil. The soil in turn can affect living and nonliving things. We learned how the soil has layers and that this effects the growth that can come from that area. Everything is connected through the way the environment changes over time.
G.4.3 Determine what science discoveries have led to changes in technologies that are being used in the workplace by someone employed locally
I explored this concept through my food technology course. I learned about how different food items are produced and how the technology used has changed over the years. We explored many of the machines and processes used and how the new science and technology has limited the need for human workers in many food industry areas. The science goes in this by creating new technologies and more efficient ways to do our everyday activities.
H.4.1 Describe* how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care
I also covered this standard through my food technology course. Science and technology has opened up many more efficient ways to creating food. Science has also been able to create better food by improving the health standards. Technology and science may have also hindered progress in providing better food because now it is more focuses on the efficiency and not always the quality. With machines doing all the work you take away most of the personalization away from the products.
1. What do you see are big changes compared to the previous standards?
I saw a few big changes in the new standards. One change I saw was that the new standards are much more specific of what the children should know. The old standards were very vague which gave the instructor more flexibility in their teaching and can teach it in many ways. I think that making the standards more specific could help keep everyone on the same page and help teachers know exactly what the goal is for their children to learn. Another change I saw was the push in technology. I did see technology used in the old standards as well but the new ones seem to incorporate it in many more ways.
2. How are these standards connected to the other displines such as math and literacy?
The new standards are pushing for the same concepts taught in all of the displines. The standards have ways to incorporate the standards in the literacy and math. I do this is important because it allows the children to see how things connect and that the things they are learning can be used in many different ways and different subjects.
3. What do you see will be challenges for teachers when considering some of the changes in the proposed science standards?
I think one challenge will be incorporating these standards into their classrooms and changing their other lesson plans. Many of their lessons will have to be completely changed from the old standards. Another challenge will be keeping unity between their other subjects. Many of these new standards has ways to be incorporated with the other subjects so the teachers will have to keep the unity while sticking to standards in the other ways as well. It will also be tricky meeting these standards while using what they are given. Although these standards want to incorporate more technology not all schools have many computers,ipads, or other forms of technology to give to their students. They will have to find other ways to implement these. It will also be a challenge to help the children transition to these standards if they havent been following them before.
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